I am an artist who does science, or a scientist who does art — combining research training in cell and molecular biology, neuroscience, and environmental science and policy with my visual arts practice as a researcher, educator, and communicator of art and science.
My research interests include cell signaling in neural development and the impact of common environmental toxins on these processes.
As an artist I am interested in forms, patterns, and structures inherent in biological systems, as well as making work that inquires broadly about the sensory modalities I study in lab. A second generation printmaker, I make books, prints, and works on paper. Exhibitions include: the Queens Museum of Art Bulova Gallery (NYC), Socrates Sculpture Park (NYC), Cuchifritos Gallery (NYC), Rutgers University (Newark, NJ) and the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA). I have contributed articles to Philadelphia's City Paper, and the national print blog, Printeresting.  
Together with Dr. Irina Ellison I started Art in the Lab in 2015. This ongoing series of events bringing scientists and artists together in lab for workshops that mix drawing and laboratory exercises. Events are always free and open to scientists, artists, and the sci/art curious. Learn more at www.artinthelab.com